Report Lost & Reissue
Report Lost of student ID
In cast of lost, please report it to the school and bank first to prevent the damages.
- Step 1.
- Direct visit to homepage of Smart Card System, Student ID lost registration homepage
- Step 2.
- Call to Hana Bank 1588-1111
Reissuance of Student ID
Social Science Campus
- Step 1.
Visit the academic support team on the 1st floor in the administration building
- Step 2.
- Submit completed student ID card application form and 5,000KRW as a Fee
- Step 3.
- The next day, visit the academic support team to get your student ID
Natural Science Campus
- Step 1.
Visit the academic support team on the 4F of the administration building
- Step 2.
- Submit completed student ID card application form and 5,000KRW as a Fee
- Step 3.
- The next day, visit the academic support team to get your student ID