
교과목 설명 - 코드, 교과명, 학과, 교수, 과정구분, 전화번호등의 내용
교과목코드 JGA02314 교과목명 건축설계3
강의학과 건축학부(건축학전공/전통건축전공) 교수 시희주
교수소속 건축학부 건축학전공 이수학년 3학년
과목구분 실습 과정구분
이메일 shiheejoo@mju.ac.kr 전화번호
테이블 이름 - 주차 및 주제내용
주차 주제
1주차 A studio introduction
2주차 Project #1 : Precedent Study and Add-on Design Exercise
3주차 A precedent study and presentation preparation (drawings and models)
4주차 Project #1 Final presentation
5주차 Project #2 : Architectural design project for a site within an urban street - The infill
6주차 A site visit, analysis, individual site presentation and a concept development
7주차 A program and concept development using study models, sketches, and diagrams (1/100)
8주차 Finalizing the program and the concept & present (1/100)
9주차 Midterm review with drawings and models (1/100)
10주차 Research and present structural system & exterior envelope system (1/100) (1/50)
11주차 Develop structure and exterior system (1/100)
12주차 Enlarged drawings of structural sections and exterior wall sections (1/30)
13주차 Revisit and finalize programs, concepts and continue developing the project
14주차 Developing architectural drawings (1/50) (1/100)
15주차 Final development of all the drawings, models and presentation boards
16주차 Project #2 Final Review