

  • 소속 체육학전공
  • 직위(직급) 조교수(전문교수)
  • 전화번호 031-330-6292
  • 이메일 cykim1@mju.ac.kr


교과목 설명 - 지위/학위, 소속, 사무실위치, 전화 내용
연구실위치 체육문화관 6115 연구실전화 031-330-6292
연구분야 Biomechanics based sports injury prevention & mechanism


안녕하세요, 김 창영 입니다.

주요 연구 관심 분야는 선수 부상 예방 및 부상 기전, 성별 및 인종 간 차이에 관심.

언제든 자유롭게 면담 신청 가능(수업 시간 제외, 메일로 사전 연락 바랍니다). (cykim1@mju.ac.kr)


*B.S.,명지대학교 체육학부(2009)

*M.S.,연세대학교 체육학과(2011)

*Ph. D.,연세대학교 체육학과(2019)

주요 경력 및 활동

*Visiting Scholar as Junior Researcher, University of Miami, USA (2014~2016)

*Inviting researcher at Korea Institute of Sports Science (KISS), South Korea (2017~2020)

*Frontier Research Institute of Convergence Sports Science, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (2015~2020)

*Yonsei Institute Sports Science and Exercise Medicine Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (2015~2020)

논문 및 저서

*The Effects of Different SQUAT Loading on Lower Extremity Movement Pattern and Stability Index during Squat Exercise Between Trained versus Un-Trained Individuals. J-INSTITUTE(kinesiology). 2021, 6(4): 12-20.

*Differences in Center of Pressure Trajectory among Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability, Copers, and Controls during Gait. The Korean Journal of Sport. 2021, 19(3): 285-294.

*Plantar Hypoesthesia Alters Gait Kinematics Pattern in Individuals with and without Chronic Ankle Instability.
Korean Journal of Sport Biomechanics. 2021; 31(2): 79-86.

*The Effects of Chronic Ankle Instability on Dysfunction and Pain of the Knee Joint and Lower Extremity. The Korean Journal of Physical Education. 2021; 60(1): 651-662.

* The Effect of Different Foot Arch Height Characteristics on Dynamic Postural Control Ability. Korean Journal of Sport. 2020; 18(3): 1351-1358.

*The Study on the Improvement of Performance in Men’s Floor Exercise Finalists using Digital Image Analysis. Journal of Korean Society of Living Environmental system. 2019; 26(5): 1-9.

* The Effect of Diminished Plantar Cutaneous Sensation in Y-balance Test between Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI) Patients versus Healthy Individuals. Korean Journal of Sport Biomechanics. 2019; 29(1): 33-41.

*The Structural Characteristics of the Ankle Joint Complex and Declination of the Subtalar Joint Rotation Axis between Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI) Patients and Healthy Control. Korean Journal of Sport Biomechanics. 2019; 29(2): 61-70.

* Effects of Reduced Plantar Cutaneous Sensation on Static Postural the Kinematic Strategy Control in Individuals with or without Chronic Ankle Instability. Korean Journal of Sport Medicine. 2019; 37(3): 75-83.

*The effects of wedge posting location of foot orthotic on running kinematics, eyes closed single leg balance of the lower extremity. Journal of Sport and Leisure Studies. 2019; vol77: 477-486.

* Effect of functional fatigue protocol on static and dynamic postural control of lower extremities. Korean Journal of Sport Science. 2018, Vol. 29. No. 4, 603-612.

* Immediate Effects of Joint Mobilization Techniques on Clinical Measures in Individuals with CAI. Korean Journal of Sport Biomechanics. 2018; 28(4): 219-225.

* Impact of quadriceps strengthening on response to fatiguing exercise following ACL reconstruction. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports. 2017 Jan; 20(1):6-11.

*The Acute Effects of Short Static-Stretching on Vertical Jump Performance. International Journal of Coaching Science. 2017. July;11(2): 31-44.

*Validation of the Microsoft Kinect camera system for measurement of lower extremity jump landing and squatting kinematics. Sports Biomechanics. 2016; 15(1) 89-102.